This DNA light language activation for removing historical patterns audio download is designed to assist you with clearing karma and DNA around these old patterns. It has powerful but calming light language activations for more peaceful and joyful alignment within yourself. Including empowering your energy boundaries and assist you with not taking on the weight of the world. It will activate and awaken your DNA for healthy alignment within, helping you to comfortably release fear. This light language transmission and activation is channeled from the akashic records and Metatron. It will empower your soul alignment in all positive ways while assisting you with releasing karmic historical patterns within your akasha and DNA. You may feel a deep sense of peace, love, joy, and calm after. Please note, you may have a small emotional release with this activation. This depends on how deep the patterns go. If you would like private light language/mentoring on this for an even deeper sense of calm and comfort while you release, please book a light language or mentoring session.
What are historical patterns: They are world events that effected the collective human race (war, the great depression, etc.). Doing this clearing will empower and realign your body, mind, and soul to release the pain from these world events. Please note, see a doctor if you feel you need assist with clearing this pain.
This is an MP3 Audio file that you can download to your phone, iPad or computer. It is about 20 minutes in length.
Listening Suggestions:
1. Before listening, set an intention by opening your heart space to open and receive this activation.
2. Suggested listening: You may listen to this as often as you feel necessary to benefit your life.
3. Listen to it in a quiet space with no interrupts.
4. Please don't listen to this while driving.
5. This activation does not replace any medical care.
6. Drink water before and after the activation.
What is light language? Light language is the language of the soul and is understood by the heart and soul on a multidimensional level. Light Language is a high Vibrational frequency energy healing that will connect you deeper to your soul, Divine realms and other forms of healing. Light language bypasses the logical mind and is understood by the soul and felt in heart center. Light language is the frequency of love and is expressed in a loving and gentle manner. Light language transmissions hold keys and codes to help the listener or speaker unlock their full potential so they can step fully into their highest and greatest potential.
** This light language transmission does not guarantee results. The outcome is different for everyone. Please seek mental health help and medical attention when you need it.
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