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Light Language Guide Book, 2nd Edition, Learn What Light Language Is & How to use it to benefit your life, Receive Soul Activation Key Codes


In this Light Language Guide Book, 2nd Edition, you will learn how light language can benefit your life, understand what light language is, how to use light language codes, how to use light language frequency healing, and receive 12 light language soul activation key codes. This light language guide book will take you through how to use light language key codes for greater protection, abundance and self-love, and more. This usage guide will help anyone from non-speakers to advanced speakers because it teaches you how to connect to the frequency of light language, and the audio file has advance light language frequencies and additional guidance to assist you. 


This Light Language Guide book is a downloadable printable PDF. It is filled with colorful galaxies photo's and 12 light language activation key codes art pieces. You will be able to use the light language activation key codes to benefit all areas of your life positively. This light language guide book contains: What light language is, How to use it to benefit your life, ultimate connection to light language, advanced techniques for connecting to it, and 12 light language key codes for soul activation, self healing, abundance, protection, self-love, empowerment, empowering your voice, raising your vibration, and positive mindset. It contains a light language heart activation mandala for aligning to your soul power available to you now. 

What you get:
- A PDF Light Language Guide Book containing 16 full color pages 
- 12 light language key code activation art pieces
- Learn more about light language and what it is
- How to use light language to benefit your life
- One Soul Activation of 12 light language activation key code mandala
- Plus, how to use it to benefit your life, connection to light language, techniques for connecting to light language, and more.
- Your Light Language Guide Book Contains these 12 Soul Activation Key Codes
Key code one for abundance 
Key code two for self-love 
Key Code three for energy protection 
Key code four for greater soul intuition 
Key code five for creativity 
Key codeOne six for empowerment and positive mindset 
Key Code seven for self-healing 
Key code eight healing prosecution blocks 
Key code nine for soul alignment 
Key code ten for forgiveness 
Key code eleven & twelves to raise your vibration and empower your voice

Light Language Guide Book, 2nd Edition

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