Akashic Record Bundle
Karma Clearing, Learn Your Soul Matrix, Discover Your Empowered Past Lives, Akashic Record Sessions

Service Description
The Akashic Records hold all the knowledge & wisdom of your soul purpose, soul karma, and what past life karma is affecting you. In this Akashic Bundle for ultimate spiritual warrior transformation to Reclaim Your Soul Power & clear karma, you will be empowered by discovering your soul's past life karmic blockages, empowered by positive soul stories, receive a chakra analysis from your soul, learn your soul matrix for better manifesting and discover your soul blueprint corruptions to fix and heal yourself. This will benefit your life in all positive ways (career, love relationships, chakras, self care, happiness etc.). Your soul will support your journey towards greater healing, happier living and empower you with lost wisdom from your past lives and the gifts of your soul. You will awaken and align your body, mind, and soul with this transformational bundle! We’ll focus on enlightened empowerment, deep soul healing, and soul remembrance. Most sessions in this transformational bundle are conducted 1:1 over zoom video conference. It includes 6 zoom sessions, and one MP3 audio reading. What does this transformational bundle offer you? • 1 hour Mentoring Zoom Session = deep soul clearing (remove karmic blocks) or we can make it an empowered channeling from your soul's akashic record to get answers to your current life situation. This may also include: tarot, reiki, Metatron healing etc. for your empowered transformation and self-love building for your highest and greatest good. • Two, 1-hour Soul Past Life Akashic Clearing Zoom session (scheduled at different times) = this is a channeled from your akashic record to assist you with clearing karma to support your empowered soul journey. • 1 hour Soul Matrix zoom session = Learn your 7 manifesting matrix levels of your souls blueprint to empower all areas of your human experience. • MP3 Audio Reading Channeled from your Soul, Metatron and the Akashic to learn an empowered past life story to inspire great soul alignment within yourself and your life. • 1 hour Soul Blueprint Corruption Healing zoom session. Learn what areas of your soul blueprint are corrupted, why, and receive blueprint realignment, healing and clearing. • 1 hour Chakra Analysis Akashic Reading. Learn how your chakras are currently negatively aligned, how it is being affected by your life situation, receive chakra alignment and Metatron healing to realign your chakras to the most optimal state.
Contact Details
Eugene, OR, USA
Cancellation Policy
You must give a 48-hour cancellation notice for all sessions. There is a $50 late fee for all appointments canceled with less than 48 hours' notice. Appointment can be rescheduled if given more than 48 hours' notice, please email or call us to reschedule. There is a no refund policy on all sessions because all sessions require detailed prep work done before the session. Thank you for your understanding, if you have any questions we would be happy to assist. Please email us at lovemorningstarlight@gmail.com