Ancestor Akashic Record Clearing
Gain the knowledge of ancestral karmic stories blocking you to heal your soul and ancestral pain.
Service Description
The Akashic Records holds all the knowledge and wisdom of your soul, including your Ancestral karma! In this 60 minute, 1:1 Zoom Session, Ancestor Akashic Record Clearing, you will learn about your ancestral past life stories connected to you and your ancestors. You will discover how to clear ancestral karmic patterns blocking your abilities to manifest your desired life. This session will greatly benefit your manifestation abilities, remove unwanted ancestral karma, and help you clear your ancestral akashic record, plus more. Unlocking this information will benefit all areas of your life and your families. Why would you want to clear ancestral karma? Clearing ancestral karma will assist you with seeing more clearly about how “you” want to create your life rather than through a looking glass of ancestral pain and karmic baggage. Clearing ancestral karma benefits you by aligning you to the life you want to create with greater easy because ancestral karma will no longer be hindering your life and manifesting abilities. It will reveal why you maybe having difficulty with creating a more abundant happy life. Ancestral karma can block love relationships, finances, well-being, health etc.. Clearing ancestral karma will benefit you and your whole family; past, present, and future. Additionally, this session can also assist you with: ~ clearing ancestral karma ~ clearing old love relationship contracts or contracts ~ clearing old money patterns ~ clearing old health issues ~ healing childhood trauma connected to your family During the session, Kaylee will teach you how to empower yourself using this information and more. She will provide you with an ancestral past life stories, karmic clearing and you will learn how to do further clearing for yourself even after your session. After the session, you will receive an email with your session recording, and any additional empowering guidance (if applicable).
Contact Details
Eugene, OR, USA
Cancellation Policy
You must give a 48-hour cancellation notice for all sessions. There is a $50 late fee for all appointments canceled with less than 48 hours' notice. Appointment can be rescheduled if given more than 48 hours' notice, please email or call us to reschedule. There is a no refund policy on all sessions because all sessions require detailed prep work done before the session. Thank you for your understanding, if you have any questions we would be happy to assist. Please email us at